Become a Teaching Hub Curator!


Teaching Hub is an experimental website designed to crowdsource the best pedagogical resources on narrow topics or questions for educational developers and higher education instructors. Its value depends on a vibrant and diverse curator community.

Wondering what the best resources on a specific pedagogical topic or question are?

Struggling to develop or keep up to date your center's pedagogical resources? Or don't have time to develop your own resources?

Have a great set of resources on a topic or question you would like to share with the educational development community?

Teaching Hub is an experimental website designed to crowdsource the best pedagogical resources on narrow topics or questions for educational developers and higher education instructors. Its value depends on a vibrant and diverse curator community.

The site functions around “collections” that focus narrowly on pedagogical topics or questions. Each collection highlights 4-5 resources that represent the best-of-the-best that you have developed or that exist on the web. Each resource—article, website, video, podcast, etc.—is accompanied by a summary, a recommendation by the collection’s curator, a preview, and a link to the full resource.

The most exciting part: In an attempt to democratize pedagogical expertise, anyone in the world can be a curator.

If you’re like me, you’ve spent hours developing blog posts and/or searching the web for the best resources you can find on a topic when preparing for a workshop, following up on a consultation, or preparing for your own teaching. Sadly, your colleagues across the educational development world are doing the same thing on the same topics. Why not make these highly curated collections available to everyone?

Ready to participate in the experiment? Send an email to [email protected], include the teaching topic or question(s) you think would make a good collection, and we’ll give you access to an intuitive web-based development site. You can work at your leisure and simply push a button at the end to let us know you’re finished.