
Explore. Educate. Empower.

An initiative of the University of Virginia's Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Teaching Hub supports the discovery and curation of connected resources to enhance teaching and learning. With a diverse group of partners, we do the hard work of tracking down important, innovative, and interesting content on a wide range of topics. Powered by a complex tagging system, we connect you with additional resources as well as relevant CTE events and programs, available learning technologies, and other sources of support.

To make the most of Teaching Hub, we encourage you to create an account: this allows you to save resources and create your own collections that you can customize and share. We will use any personal information you include in your profile to personalize your site experience, providing you with content based on your interests and interactions. Our hope is that you come to Teaching Hub and not only find what you are looking for but also discover something you did not know you needed.

Shaped by the CTE’s mission, with every collection, we aim to:

  • Explore

    Presenting collections on various topics and connecting you with opportunities for deeper learning

  • Educate

    Introducing you to foundational research and new ideas to support teaching and learning

  • Empower

    Providing you with the confidence, knowledge, and support to advance your professional growth

To achieve these goals, we strive to make sure our content is:

  • Actionable

    By sharing practical resources and solutions, grounded in evidence-based research.

  • Representative

    By drawing on the knowledge and talents of a diverse group of curators.

  • Accessible

    By ensuring all information is easy to understand and find.

  • Supportive

    By encouraging you to try something new and be the best teacher you can be.

Want to recommend a resource or have an idea for a new collection? Send us an email at [email protected].